The TPT1600hydaulic pressune tester alowslorhe quickandeasyderedionofissuresandcracks andtewalertigtnesscontrolin the cooing circuts el oyinder theads and engne biodes plugdingal the culets ol the cooing cicuitof the cyinder head usingntber stoppers and then injecting pressutzed airinto tmne circut. The cyinder headithen immersed inahot-water bath andrtcontains any cracas o fissures. a sream ot ar bubbles wl be dbservedrising tothe suface af the batn The machine hasbeenspecialy designed for contimuous use and is comlortable and eimple to operate. Futhermore the machine requires aminimumamount cl maintenance and comes tly egupped with high gualty, in-but eecuty teatures
Nodel TPT1800 TPr160c
ME Lorgth of Cyrsr Haad 12b0 mm 135o m
vao.Wiith cf CfirdsHaex 400 ren 425mn
Mix.Higyi o C/incer Haxii c00mm 300 mm
Mex waight of Cyinde Hsad 240Kga 240 Kga
Terk Capacty 50L seoL
Heding Ekmers 2×4.5kW 2×4,5kW
Themmcskat ac o-s0ºC
Hhycrauc Hoit. 0.55 kW 0.55kW
Caar --Moto; 0.25Kw 0.25 kW
Rotztsnal Speed s pm 4rpm
Up and Dovn Stroios trme co0 mmn 10 cec ooOmmin 10 sec
Poar Spply 338Ov-4C-EO/60 Hz or 3x22ON-C-gOBOH
Leng ot1Machre 2000 rm 2100mm
wath cf tMacrina 1050 rm 105o m
HecHr cf Mchna 1700 wm 1700mm
Paciage sige 225012C0x1450 rm 235031200145rmm
NW EE0 Kg 5a Kg
G.w. 610Kg 720 Kg
Clinder Hesad Clarping